Monday, October 30, 2006


I've had many ideas towards the assessment but I'm still not clear at all of the assessment, have a meeting with Julie on monday 23rd (bear in mind that this is a post I wrote last week).

I think the assessment is to take something from the 1950s, an object/process then redesign and modify with technology avaliable now on in the future.

I think.

An idea I'll give to explain my understanding is.

A feature wall, interactive wallpaper. The feature wall being an invention of the 50s and use of 50s wallpaper, but its modifyed for today, different material and technology.

My inspiration:

Two adverts from the 1950s from one of my books I previously shown, 'THE GOLDEN AGE OF ADVERTISING-THE 5OS'

and a image I came across:

I have the idea in my head though I don't think its the idea I will carry forward to the assessment.


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