Saturday, December 16, 2006

Assignment 3 ideas

Shadows and glows to unflattern the image.

Add sponsor tune and video.

Controls can the the large and small image of ladys- sound and size controls?

A page infront of the poster, that the user tears off.

Scroll bar for text on sign ladys holding, or moving text at the bottom- moves as you roll over?

boxes on the right could turn into buttons but thinking of having them where they slide out of the way for room for video or text?

Maybe add paper effect over the top at the end, maybe?

Might be really large file size, so preloader and a silent short sound at the start to kick the sounds I place into gear.

Nothing too over the top, still want it to be usable, I might add some little notes when you roll over elements.

Assignment 2 posters

My two posters designed for assignment 2, however only one i will take further. Proberly the first one with out the effects on it, but I prefer the second poster more, it just looks so lifelike. Oh the colour is slightly off, well more than slightly, I just quickly compressed them, but left them in cymk, I asumed they would have come out better.

When I convert into assignment 3 the interactive poster, Ill take away alot of the text, I think the amount of text on a poster was just far too much, but it was needed, though for the interactive poster there are other ways to display text which wont crowd the poster.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Recent resources

I really wanted to look into images of the housewife, especiallt as julie noted she liked the imagery of the housewife from the 1950s. I love the picture from the article through the link provided and shown below.

Visit this link, the 1950 images are so adorable.

This Link has a lot of images from the 1950s, as shown below:

I love lucy a tv program of the 1950s, these images are great, the hair!

I like this graphic, shows a glamourous young women, dolled up, but clearly , shes spose to be a housewife. The typical imagery from the 1950s, of glam housewifes. Aprons, a lot of images Ive seen are of women in aprons. I think it was more of an american thing, women wearing pretty aprons all the time.

A link to a lot of retro clipart, good to see how they look, the housewife ones are real good.

Many were just line drawings, but I love line drawings, somethimes the fewer lines the better.

Flickr and other image shring networks are good for the odd image.


Assignment 2

Since my last post I have been working on assignment 2, to date I've finished, I will post up but need to drastically optomize for blogger, but will post later on. But first I want to post up the resources that inspired me and really helped me. It really took me a while to get started as I wasn't pleased with going down a different avenue, of tv/newspaper style, I wanted glamour I wanted to do a movie style poster fir for the big screen of 1950, but however I started to warm to it half way, once I had looked a t more inspiration. I'm really pleased with the results, though I would have wanted less text as I wanted more room at the bottom for a graphic of a phone.