Friday, January 12, 2007


I saw a note on the module study guide about thinking of the third assignment as a kiosk? I dont attend lectures of workshops, its definatley a negative for me, as I seem to be missing something.

I dont think I could see my third assignment on a kiosk in a museum or more relevant location. Its to small, if you are doing something for a kiosk it should be a bit more filling, more pages, most people who go up to kiosks are usual bored or waiting, ok curious if your in a museum, but they wouldn't be satisfied with a page or so, even if it was fancy and footloose. Though the ideal for my poster would be an interactive poster at a bus terminal or train station, I would like to see that, or how about on a local hall to advertise speedating, Ive seen interactive screens in the front of banks and stores, well I've seen images of it on the web I don't think I will see much of that in my neighbourhood. Speedating is more of a word of mouth event, so would be ideal for an interactive poster on a hall enterance to advertise.

Though I wonder if I have this right? I saw a mention of kiosks? Though as I got my concept wrong the start I have to wonder, remember I was looking at the old study guide.

Talking of kiosks, I always get disapointed when I visit the science museum, they are always so slow, they still have such old kiosks, even in the technology section the kiosks are still a tad dated, I want to get my hands on one of those duel touch screens, where you can create animations with drawing with your fingers and animate them with, so simple, and minipulate endlessly, Ive seen so much on line, though I want to get my hands to one. Though as technology it is well to advance thinking for this assignment, it wouldn't work for this assignment, as they poster is good because although you may add loads of effects, it works well flat, it still remains a poster, if you could manipute it to much it wouldnt be a interactive poster just interactive. Here I go.