Friday, November 10, 2006

A negative

I hate to be negative, but currently I think the let down on my posters is the type. Though if I do an elaborate 50s font it won't blend in well. It will look like a attempt at a 50s poster, although saying that I think my posters look like that. I think I should have done a modern take on a 50s poster rather than trying to make a poster look old and authentic.

The image is a page from 'Computer arts projects, issue 57, the typography issue' within an article on creating your own typography. It shows a take on a 1950s poster with a created font, its a rough example but it works well.

I think I will probally create my own typeface for the final poster, if I don't get frustrated trying to find the right typeface to finish my designs for this assessment but if my frustration wins I might create typefaces for two of my posters.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello of Brazil. I was visiting the blog!

3:20 PM  

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