Monday, November 27, 2006

assignment 1 relief

Presented my posters for assignment one to Julie, went fine. She appeared to like them, though her favourite is not my favourite, she liked the third poster, which was the last one done and I didn't really spend as much time on it, maybe it was because it was more simple, though the design was one that I always had in mind to do.

Very productive meeting, we agreed for me to hand in all the work together at the end (which is great for me, less hassel) instead of instalments. We also talked about the look of the next poster for assignment 2, this was good as I wasn't sure of how to keep the speedating idea, and talk about the project on the same poster, but I believe its clearer now.

What else, oh yeh also what I should carry through to the next poster design, From the sketches I have uploaded, I had a movie poster feel in mind. However Julie has persuaded me to change this, she liked the feel of the third poster, especially with the image of the lady (from getty images), I'll use the image of the lady however, I will combine it with the style of the first poster, a tv poster. I think Ill sketch out some more ideas, with the combination.

All in all a good meeting,

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


My posters are printed at A1, that is like so huge, they are spose to be A4, they came out great though, real good, good enough for your wall, though I wonder if its ok for the criteria.

The printer jumbled up orders so I got three massive posters, instead of three tiny posters. I mean printer as in the man printing, printing company, what a good mistake to make.

I haven't got the means to reprint at the moment, so hopefully they are ok and acceptable for assignment 1.

My posters

My posters for assignment one, though I don't think blogger is doing them justice, I don't think it can handle the quality of them. Its made the one at the bottom look blue and its faded all of them. Just to display them.

Poster one is a tv advert style, very dreamy, think bewitched/ilovelucy. Its targeting single women, the figure of the man and women are at opposites but are very visable, displaying them almost as a match, this is on purpose, to promote speed dating and the idea of meeting a match. I like the tagline I created for this one.

Poster 2, this is my favourite, this one is even more dreamy, its a movie style poster, so the layout is totally different to the first, it plays on the love story, trying to sell an experience of love, to promote speeddating, so a dizzy effect, rounded text, stong but soft. A sponged background as most movie posters have. A real dreamy poster.

Poster 3, definately one for the men, unlike the others there is no dreamyness, its replaced with facts and an informative nature, more of a newpaper/ magazine advert, the layout suggesting this effect, though like most adverts/posters for men, there has to be pretty ladys.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

1950s poster design galore more more more

Mixture of flyers/posters from the 1950s.

All illustrative, for the local advertising posters have a limit on colours, handmade type, simple printed. Some bad designs, but some are still good design for today.

1950s poster design galore more more

Theatre / entertainment Posters/ flyers:

Made up of elabrate type, bright colours, graphics or cut out heads, Multicoloured type, no limit on colours. The location of the event is as big as the name of the event. I don't like these as much as movie posters, they come across more disorganised maybe even cheaply done.

1950s poster design galore more

More from ebay, some great examples of typical 1950s poster design.

Illustration again but more realistic illustration, bold titles and names, bright colours, angled type, sponged/watercolour backdrops.

1950s poster design galore

You have to admire ebay, they are more than just a good resource for odd ball shopping, I've found they are a great resource for 1950 posters, I found a mass of images the other day on ebay. Heres some great posters.

Travel posters:

Illustrations and graphics are the main element in these posters, and how can you miss the titles of the locations in bold type.


I found the week 7 sesson to be quite productive, it made me look at the posters as components, though, I can talk well on 1950 poster design, I decided to have a second look at some new posters I had found in my research and make a couple of quick sketches of the basic elements that make up the designs.

Movie Poster sketch, the border is a component, I've seen in many movie posters, it seperates the images from the test.
Though its almost as if they are trying to break the bounderies are previous design by using angled text and shapes. Definately a feature of 1950s design, you don't get that intodays design, well not the way they have done this.
Another feature was the big use of the actors names, whereas now they are not such a big thing, usually in tiny text at the bottom of posters, back in the 1950s they were sometimes even bigger than the movie title.

Another sketch showing this, the actors names almost compare in size to the title. They are always in bold text as well. Taglines are big in 1950s poster designs and usually a core compnent.

This sketch of an airline poster, shows the typical style taken on for this form of advertisement. The style is simple, loads of space, a simple border. And a thing of the 1950s, graphics, graphical images of the locations, not accurate but tying to be 3d, use of perspectives to achieve this.

Class work

During the lecture for week 7 sesson, I think it was week 7 I keep losing track, anyhow for this lecture, we looked again at 1950s posters. Then we sketched aspects of these posters down, shape forms, type etc.

My sketches were not great but the excersize was more about seeing the composition of the posters we were viewing, how were they made up, what made them different to other decades of posters.

This is a sketch of a number of posters, three to be exact, the car took up almost a whole page, but the shape of it was what caught my eye, what I've noticed in most car adverts is that the car takes up the middle, with shapes for the title or brand, or these brands would be made up of shapes such as the american shevolet logo/brand.

Another thing was the use of angled boxes that I've seen it many 1950s posters.

This sketch, I took of another poster, without the main image, it was the layout that caught me, simple clean text at the top, a sponged like backdrop and tiny text at the bottom.

This was based around a stockings poster, the brand name in a handmade type inbetween a mass of details, in very tiny type, a advert more for a magazine or paper, I sketched it as I like the shapes, the boxes at the top and the lines I drew where the stockings were placed. The stockings and brand were the most visible, the placement of elements makes this so.

From this excersize I gained more of an incite into 1950s posters and their makeup.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Extention granted

Met with Julie after thursdays lecture to discuss an extention, went smoothly, I can now consetrate on my work, well this weekend is taken up by another module, but early next week, is for getting the posters finished and printed. Such a relief a weight taken off.

Friday, November 10, 2006


NOTE TO MYSELF: must email Julie again for a response in regards to the extension.

A negative

I hate to be negative, but currently I think the let down on my posters is the type. Though if I do an elaborate 50s font it won't blend in well. It will look like a attempt at a 50s poster, although saying that I think my posters look like that. I think I should have done a modern take on a 50s poster rather than trying to make a poster look old and authentic.

The image is a page from 'Computer arts projects, issue 57, the typography issue' within an article on creating your own typography. It shows a take on a 1950s poster with a created font, its a rough example but it works well.

I think I will probally create my own typeface for the final poster, if I don't get frustrated trying to find the right typeface to finish my designs for this assessment but if my frustration wins I might create typefaces for two of my posters.

Maybe colour

My poster designs are black and white, I don't get much chance to do black and white designs, so was happy, but then when looking at effects, I fell for colour halftone and regret not doing colour. Like I said before maybe for my final poster I will do colour, high possibility.

An example of colour halftone, it just gives it that modern old effect, that didnt make sense but I'm sure you know what I mean, It makes the picture, though this image is more 60s.

Its from a tutorial within an dated magazine of mine 'DIGIT issue 072'

Another example of colour halftone this time however on a book cover, the images taken from 'Computer arts -projects, issue 63'
The book comes from Die Gestalten Verlag titled 'This gun is for hire'.

I like both uses of colour halftone, I regret i won't get a chance to use it at this stage.